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Website Self Portrait

I’m David Lee Conley, the artist behind Free DLC Artwork. Convenient initials, right?

Here are some of my talents, in no particular order:

  • Throwing away food receipts at restaurants where you need your number to pick up your food.
  • Running up and down a basketball court (and occasionally touching the ball).
  • Imitating voices of singers while blasting music in my car. Oftentimes poorly.
  • Forgetting my partner is allergic to dairy and offering her cheese.

I don’t take myself too seriously.

I’ve fallen face-first off of my Razor scooter while headed home from an undergrad class. Twice. I’ve missed the last shuttle back to my bus at Niagara Falls, forcing me to run uphill for 2 miles (with luggage) to catch it. I’ve shown up to a Broadway show a day early.

Life throws some weird curveballs at you. At some point, you just have to laugh and push on.

I’m a geek at heart.

In case, you know, that wasn’t already clear. I grew up on video games. What started as a simple way to pass time on the Sega Genesis turned into a much-needed escape– especially when I can play with my buddies from home. Currently into Final Fantasy XIV and whatever RPG I can kill time with. 

Bring on the Dad jokes.

I like to think that being goofy is my default personality. I picked it up from my own Dad. He always had a way of bringing out the biggest smiles in people, just by way of being his own silly self. I strive for the same.

In all seriousness:

I’ve been teaching myself graphics work for over 12 years now, and I straight-up love what I do. I hope you were able to find something that you enjoy.

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